
We are specialised in developing and managing international healthcare projects and applying the latest healthcare technologies. With our dedicated knowledge and expertise within healthcare development, we are a trusted partner and work together with the global leading companies in the healthcare industry.

Healthcare PROJECT Development

First comes the idea!


Without an innovative idea there won’t be any progress in the world.

Often ideas seem very difficult to realise. We will help you bring your idea to life.


We are your trusted partner, when it comes to bringing your idea to life. ALKRA is specialised in developing projects from a functional, technological and financial perspective and we will join the right partners together to achieve the best possible combination of skills and expertise.


Our job is to make it happen.

Healthcare Technologies

Technology is the key to success.


We will make it happen.


Applying advanced technologies in healthcare projects is crucial for delivering customer satisfaction. At an early planning stage we need to define, what we will apply during the build to achieve this satisfaction after the go live of the healthcare facility.


It's all about people -

about the people, who work in the healthcare facilities and about the people, they care for.


Our job is to apply the necessary technologies to provide the best possible user experience and satisfaction.

HEALTHCARE Project Management

It must not take forever!


Sometimes healthcare projects suffer from delays and cost overruns and therefore frustration with clients, authorities and finally customers. Our customers are patients. Therefore it is crucial to keep control of time, cost and human resource.


We employ experienced and highly skilled project management and administration staff to assure the achievement of the agreed deliverables in terms of time, cost and allocated resource.


We know, there's a lot of pressure out there.


Our job is to reduce this pressure as much as possible with our diligent, sensible and approachable project management team. 

Dubai Internet City
Building 10, 4th Floor, Office 412
P.O. Box 501881
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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